CNC Case Study Duncan Stewart

Duncan Stewart

Loan server solution provided proof of concept, as online retailer of speciality gifts, invests its way strategically out of problems, now faces the joy of bumper sales.

Enhanced systems, increased online sales, new marketplaces. ​

The support we provide helps you grow​

This family-owned organisation has, for more than two decades, faced seasonal internal IT problems in supplying its beautiful, personalised gift items to its customers.

Creating global sales on a variety of sales platforms, finding customers has never been a problem for the company as the reputation and quality of its goods sell themselves. Such was the importance of sales generated in the six-week period up to Christmas, the  management and sales teams were caught up managing IT problems instead of producing more orders.

IT problems impacted the ability for production to keep up with demand, forcing the company to increase order turnaround times.

Their internal IT systems had become the problem and not the solution to profitability, because of a complex combination of hardware and software issues, that acted as a limiting factor to their growth as a business.

Personalised gifts as unique you.

The Challenge​

A complex, inefficient IT infrastructure on-premise creating lots of downtime. Coupled with a lack of trust in IT support, created by the previous supplier, that IT can work, and scale to their company vision.

  • A complex server architecture on premise
  • 3 servers operating 7 virtual servers running storage area network
  • Near expiration server warranties
  • Low spec tech used as a server
  • Antivirus not employed fully across the estate
  • Single fibre broadband internet connection
  • Slow running applications
  • Poor wifi signal across the workplace
  • Faulty cabling or UPS protection
  • Basic spam protection
  • Expensive back-up solution

The personalised touch from Duncan Stewart​

The Solution​​

  • Loan server installed, to reveal IT issues before company’s investment and prove the concept
  • Rationalise systems, and hardware migration to one server
  • All systems transferred to managed back-up solution
  • New server installed with solid SSD Drives for superfast loading
  • Re-cabled the office, UPS added to networked systems
  • Installation of faster leased broadband line, with secondary line for failover
  • Managed Antivirus software installed on new server and all workstations
  • Director led proactive account management with regular, structured review meetings
  • Migration to 365 business premium for increased spam protection

“CNC reported the issues in our current system clearly and earned our trust quickly during implementation of the changes. We have seen improved stability in the system and our ordering system coped with more orders than any previous year being able to output over 27% more orders in the 6 weeks prior to Christmas, our busiest yet, with IT no longer being a limiting factor”

CB – Financial Controller

The Benefits

CNC are a partner more than a service

The company installed the new systems just weeks before the Christmas period. 

Thanks to their trust in the new network configuration, the company enjoyed a 3-to-4-fold increase in orders on the system, without it causing them any problems.

Cost reduction

A huge decrease in their IT footprint, thereby reducing their costs, and performance issues


Loan solution developed trust for what has always been a traumatic part of the year

Office Anywhere

Members of staff were able to stay in their departments and produce sales


Improved efficiency of production staff

Structured Solutions

Solution was structured with scale in mind, the company has now added new product lines to their portfolio, knowing they can supply them easily ​

Wider Markets

The sales team have now been able to look at wider markets with ease​


Improved server speed and broadband means access to product range and application access is much faster

Back up

Backup broadband service and SLAs in place to guarantee as much uptime as possible

Reduced stress

Reduced seasonal sales period stress company wide

Renewed confidence

Renewed confidence in IT systems allowed the company to make the choice to invest into expanding their range from textiles to homeware in 2021

Let's talk

We are always open for a chat so get in touch to find out how we can help.