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Starlink success: A game-changer in internet access

9th May 2024 | Modified: 24th April 2024

Categories: Innovation

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A glowing review from a customer about a supplied product beats any marketing material. Starlink proves to be a major success for forward-facing surveyors. Here is how:


The time was right for COH Surveyors to review their internet provider. With an increasing workload, the company went out to tender to see who could supply the best value, fastest and most reliable internet connection for the company.

Starlink, an internet service provided by SpaceX, has been outstanding since its inception in 2019″

Always on the lookout when it comes to innovative technology, COH Surveyors trialled Starlink as a proof of concept, for just two hours. It was incredibly successful, outperforming the current internet supplier hands down, in both up and download speeds.


“Being in a rural location, our office relied on the outdated copper network, and our broadband provider could not guarantee when we would be upgraded to fibre. As our workload grew, we needed a faster broadband connection.


The Starlink system provided the technical solution, with the added advantage of being significantly cheaper and less disruptive than bringing a leased line to the site. It is also fully portable, should we ever need to move it“

Patrick Crowther, Director


Starlink, an internet service provided by SpaceX, has been outstanding since its inception in 2019, with more than 5000 low earth satellites travelling above the earth at 17,000 mph, each orbiting the Earth in about 90 minutes. For those working in remote or hard-to-access areas, Starlink has been a game changer, as it offers speedy, stable stress-free internet.  

Starlink success: A game-changer in internet access

By Gary Jowett

Gary has always focused on making sure the most appropriate solution is provided to help customers, not just what's new and shiny. With over 30 years in the IT industry Gary has the experience to tell the difference between something that's game-changing or is just a passing fad!


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