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10th October 2023 (Windows 2012)

3rd October 2023 | Modified: 4th October 2023

Categories: Tech News

Reading Time: 5 minutes

“On that day, Microsoft is retiring both the Windows server 2012 and 2012/R2”

You would be absolutely right in thinking that the date 10th October, is only 10 weeks away from Christmas. However, the 10th of October 2023, is a very special day in its own right. It is in fact, the last day of support and security from Microsoft for Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2012/R2. 


Microsoft Windows Server 2012 & 2012/R2

Yes, that is correct. On that day, Microsoft is retiring both the Windows server 2012 and 2012/R2. All of Microsoft’s products follow a strict lifecycle policy, and so this fifth version of the Windows Server operating system is now end of its life.  This means that neither server will receive any more support or security updates, bug fixes, or any kind of technical support from Microsoft. There will be no more technical or security content updates or non-security updates.


What does this mean for your business? It doesn’t mean that your server will just stop working, it means that as an outdated system, it can suffer from general performance issues. Also, without the security updates from Microsoft, your network will be out of compliance, and it will leave your business open to the significant risk of being hacked by cybercriminals, without the security updates in place. 


Microsoft Azure

Having said that, if you migrate your applications and databases to Azure, you will be able to receive up to three extra years of free Extended Security Updates (ESUs) after the 2012 server end-of-life support.


Or you can purchase Extended Security Updates for Windows Server 2012, these however will only continue for three years and, are renewable on an annual basis, that’s until October 13th, 2026.


Staying on premise

If you need to stay on-premise, you can of course upgrade to Windows Server 2022, the latest system on offer from Microsoft. This system is a major leap forward in security from previous versions. You will also benefit from the latest updates, increased stability and performance, and the latest security patches, its end of life is the 14th of October 2031.


Make sure you migrate your company data from your retired server

Disposing of old servers is something you need to carefully plan. Just because they are old and you don’t need them, you still need to consider the environmental and security aspects regarding their disposal.


Cyber security especially, and the disposal of old servers are very intertwined. It’s not unheard of that cybercriminals will pose as bonafide IT disposal agents, just to get at your IT equipment.


Why? Because that equipment which has held all of your sensitive data, all your customer data, financial records, intellectual property, supplier and staff personal information held for years, is really valuable to cyber criminals. An old server is like gold to a cybercriminal, as it provides them with a shortcut into your business and potentially holding your company to ransom.


So when it comes to disposing of a retired server, it’s incredibly important to make sure it’s done, and done securely.

The first place cyber criminals will look is in the skip


Things to consider when disposing of your old server

Data Erasure: Before you do anything else, you absolutely must make sure that any sensitive data is completely wiped from your servers. Not just some of it, all of it. There is data erasure software available that will do the work for you. Or you can physically destroy the hard drives, to stop any potential data breaches.


Consider Reuse: If the servers are relatively modern and are still functional, you could repurpose them within your organisation. Equally, you could donate them to a nonprofit organisation, another worthy cause, or a school. Not only does this extend the life of the equipment, but it reduces electronic waste. 


Recycling: If your servers are beyond use, then absolutely recycle them. Servers contain lots of important elements such as gold, platinum, copper, tantalum, cobalt, neodymium and many more rare earth elements (REEs), even the plastic used to case it has value. So, everything can be easily recycled once the server is safely dismantled.


Pretty much anything technological has an REE in it, so it’s a good thing to reuse because they require less processing above ground.


Secure Disposal: If recycling or donation is not an option for you, no problem. Then it’s best to engage a professional IT asset disposal service. There are plenty out there, with a solid reputation. Check their credentials, so that you are confident that you are dealing with the right company; they will ensure that your servers are securely disposed of for you. Thus, you’ll be meeting all the legal and environmental requirements with their disposal and have the certifications to prove it.


Documentation: As you can imagine, it’s a very good idea to keep a record of the destruction of the unit and any certificates regarding data erasure. Not only for compliance’s sake but for any auditing purposes.


Asset Tracking: It’s advisable to implement an asset tracking system, not only to keep tabs on your IT equipment’s lifecycle, but it will help with fore-planning of its replacement when server systems are retired. When you do replace your servers, you might consider opting for an energy-efficient model, to help with your environmental impact, which is a good thing.


If you would like CNC to help you with the disposal of your old servers and IT, then please call us on 01273 384100 for further details or email


CNC – helping you to keep your company cyber-safe.

10th October 2023 (Windows 2012)

By Gary Jowett

Gary has always focused on making sure the most appropriate solution is provided to help customers, not just what's new and shiny. With over 30 years in the IT industry Gary has the experience to tell the difference between something that's game-changing or is just a passing fad!


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